Taking a Leap

by - 4:30 PM

I'm taking a leap and entering the blogging world. I tried blogging in college, but didn't have anything to blog about. Sure, my family read my blog, but they were sorta obligated. In the same way your mom is obligated to like you. Fast forward a couple years through student teaching, substitute teaching, the struggles of the first year of teaching. 

 Now I am a second year math teacher. I'm hardly a veteran, but people are actually coming to me for advice. New colleagues don't believe me when I tell them I am a"new teacher." Why should you spend your precious evening hours reading my spiel. While,  I am a mom of two kids, navigating her way through the education world. I teach middle school math to 6,7,and 8th grade students. I get bored easily in class, so I am constantly looking to mix up the classroom, present material in new ways, and involve the parents. Some lessons look great on paper, but fall flat. Others rock the socks off my students and parents and leave them literally asking for more.

I'll share my lessons and experiences with y'all.  Some will be ugly, but effective and others will get polished and posted to my teaching store, Simply Acute Ideas.  My ideas are not always original.  If someone else shares an amazing idea I will be sure to point you in their direction.  I am a teacher that loves to collaborate.  Join me on Instagram, were I post daily about teaching life.   I'd love to learn something from you and hope that you learn something from me.

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  1. Love blogs! Despite being family and "obligated," I will be reading your blog!
